


  • Raw material processed basically
    中药材, Chinese Materia Medica(CMM), Chinese crude drug
    • 中药材是指植物、动物、矿物以及大型真菌的药用部分经采收、产地初加工形成的原料。
    • CMM are defined as raw materials by initial processing of medicinal parts of collected plants, animals , minerals and macroscopic fungi.
  • Raw material processed fully
    中药饮片, decoction pieces
    • 中药饮片系指中药材经炮制后可直接用于中医临床或制剂生产使用的药品
    • Decoction pieces refer to drugs available for TCM clinical practice or preparation production directly after processing.
  • Extract
    提取物, extract/extractive
  • Finished product
    中成药/中药制剂, Chinese Proprietary Medicines/ medicinal product
    • 中成药是指以中药饮片和/或提取物、有效部位、有效成分为组方原料,按照固定处方配制加工而成的药物制剂。
    • Chinese Proprietary Medicines is fixed formulation using decoction pieces and/or extractive, active fraction and active ingredient as substance.


  • Raw material processed basically
    native language : 原料生薬
    • 農産物としての生薬を指す場合はraw material for crude drugと表現する。[Ref.1]
    • 農産物としての生薬を指す場合はraw material for crude drugと表現する。[Ref.1]
    • 生薬は通例、全形生薬、切断生薬又は粉末生薬に分けて取り扱う。全形生薬は、その薬用とする部分などを乾燥し、又は簡単な加工をしたもので、医薬品各条に規定する。
      [Japanese Pharmacopoeia 17th Ed. (JP17), General Rules for Crude Drugs, clause 2][Ref.2]
  • Raw material processed fully
    native language : 生薬
    • 医薬品各条の生薬は,動植物の薬用とする部分,細胞内容物,分泌物,抽出物又は鉱物などである。
      [JP17, General Rules for Crude Drugs, clause 1]
    • 切断生薬は,全形生薬を小片若しくは小塊に切断若しくは破砕したもの,又は粗切,中切若しくは細切したものであり,別に規定するもののほか,これを製するに用いた全形生薬の規定を準用する.
      [JP17, General Rules for Crude Drugs, clause 2]
    • 粉末生薬は,全形又は切断生薬を粗末,中末,細末又は微末としたものであり,通例,細末としたものについて医薬品各条に規定する.
      [JP17, General Rules for Crude Drugs, clause 2]
  • Extract
    native language : エキス剤
    • エキス剤は,生薬の浸出液を濃縮して製したもので,通例,次の2種類がある.
      (i) 軟エキス剤,
      (ⅱ) 乾燥エキス剤.
      [JP17, General Rules for Preparations, Monographs for Preparations Related to Crude Drugs, clause 1]
  • Finished product
    native language : 漢方製剤
    • Kampo formulationを包装したもので、市場に流通しているものを指す場合に用いる。
    • Crude drug products のうち、漢方製剤を含めない場合に、conventional crude drug productsあるいは、non-Kampo crude drug productsを使用する。

Hong Kong SAR, China

  • Raw material processed basically
    藥材, Chinese Materia Medica
    • Under the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549 of Laws of HK) (CMO), the term “中藥材” (“Chinese herbal medicine” in English) is used, and is defined to mean substances listed in the Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of the CMO.
  • Raw material processed fully
    飲片, Decoction Pieces
    • There is no specific definition for “飲片” or “decoction pieces” in the CMO, considered to be under the scope of “Chinese herbal medicines”.1 and Schedule 2 of the CMO.
  • Extract
    提取物, extract
    • There is no specific definition for “提取物” or “extract” in the CMO. Depends on the context, this could mean “有效成分” (“active ingredient” in English) or “中間產品” (“intermediate product”) when extract is used to manufacture proprietary Chinese medicine according to the CMO.
  • Finished product
    中成藥, Proprietary Chinese medicines
    • Under the CMO, the term “中成藥” (“proprietary Chinese medicine” in English) is used, and is defined to mean any proprietary product-
    a. composed solely of the following as active ingredients-
    i. any Chinese herbal medicines,
    ii. any materials of herbal, animal or mineral origin customarily used by the Chinese; or
    iii. any medicines and materials referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) respectively;
    b. formulated in a finished dose form; and
    c. known or claimed to be used for the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or alleviation of any disease or any symptom of a disease in human beings, or for the regulation of the functional states of the human body.


  • Raw material processed basically
    한약재, TKM substance
    • 한약 또는 한약제제를 제조하기 위하여 사용되는 원료 약재
    • Medicinal materials for Hanyak or TKM product
    생약, Herbal drug
    • 동식물의 약용으로 하는 부분, 세포내용물, 분비물, 추출물 또는 광물
    • Medicinal parts obtained from plants and animals, cell inclusions and secretes separated from the origins, their extracts, and minerals
  • Raw material processed fully
    한약, 한약규격품, Traditional Korean Medicine, TKM
    • 동물, 식물 또는 광물에서 채취된 것으로서 주로 원형대로 건조, 절단 또는 정제된 생약
    • Herb part (including animal, mineral) used for preparing Hanyak, generally dried and cut without changing the original form..
  • Extract
    생약추출물, Herbal Extract
    • Herbal preparation generally obtained by subjecting herbal substance to extraction and fractionation with water or solvent
  • Finished product
    한약제제, Traditional Korean medicinal product, TKM product
    • 한약을 한방원리에 따라 배합하여 제조한 의약품
    • Drug products (generally solid form: powder, pill) manufactured according to the combination, preparation and dosage principle of TKM.
    생약제제, Herbal medicinal product
    • 서양의학적 입장에서 본 천연물제제로서 한의학적 치료목적으로는 사용되지 않는 제제. 다만, 천연물을 기원으로 하되 특정 성분을 추출, 정제하여 제제화한 것은 제외
    • Drug products (tablet, capsule, syrup) with herbal powder and/or herbal extract, made according to the western medical science, not based on the TKM.


  • Raw material processed basically
    Traditional Medicinal Materials
    • Medicinal materials from plants, animals or minerals in their natural states, or in processed forms that have undergone simple processing, such as cutting or drying.
  • Raw material processed fully
    Traditional Medicinal Materials
    • Medicinal materials from plants, animals or minerals in their natural states, or in processed forms that have undergone simple processing, such as cutting or drying.
  • Extract
  • Finished product
    Chinese Proprietary Medicines, Traditional Medicines
    • Chinese Proprietary Medicine – Medicinal product containing one or more active ingredients from any plant, animal or mineral, or any combination of sources as documented for use in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Medicine – refers to Malay and Indian traditional medicinal products.


  • Raw material processed basically
    Dược liệu, Materia medica; Crude drugs
    • Materia medica are in the natural states or in processed form that have undergone preliminary processing (preprocessing), such as cutting or drying. The reprocessing targets at removing parts that are not intended for medicinal use (rootlets, cores, roots, stones ...) or stabilizing the crude drugs right away at the beginning (exposure to sunlight, drying, sulphuration...).
  • Raw material processed fully
    vị thuốc cổ truyền, Processed crude drug; Traditional medicines ingredient; Decoction pieces
  • Extract
    Cao dược liệu, Extract
    • Extracts are preparations that obtained by evaporating or drying the extractives of crude drugs (herbal drugs or animal matter) to a specified consistency.
  • Finished product
    Thuốc cổ truyền, Traditional medicines
    • Traditional medicines (including decoction pieces) are medicines that are concocted using one or more processed crude drugs based on the traditional Eastern medical methodology, or pure experience from the older generations. Traditional medicine is not distinguished by the format which it's served (classical or modern).
    Thuốc dược liệu, Herbal medicines
    • Herbal medicines are medicines that are concocted using one or more crude drugs and their effectiveness are based on scientific evidences.