About FHH
About FHHOrganizational structureStanding Committee

Standing Committee

Standing Committee Chairperson

Mr. LAW Kwok-wai, Robert

Post title/affiliation :Chief Pharmacist (Chinese Medicine), Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office, Department of Health

Address : 16/F, AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China

Members of Standing Committee

Members of the Standing Committee will be the founding parties. Each founding party is to-appoint two persons to serve on the Standing Committee. Appointees will come from-the regulatory authorities and the relevant research institutions of the member parties.

WHO/WPRO will act as observer to the functions of the Standing Committee and serve as-a resource and bridge between FHH members and non-FHH member parties.

Terms of reference

  • To act as management and organizational body of the FHH with the primary aim to promote the objectives of the FHH;
  • To identify priority focus areas for the FHH;
  • Is responsible for mapping out the actions required to achieve the objectives of the FHH(development of workplan);
  • To appoint Sub-Committees to work on priorities identified and to monitor work of Sub-Committees;
  • To facilitate communication of information among member parties and other interested organizations;
  • To finalize technical guidelines and standards for evaluation of herbal medicines;
  • To organize meetings/conferences relevant to FHH objectives;
  • To undertake other activities relevant to the objectives of the FHH as agreed by members of the Standing Committee.

Co-ordinating member party and secretariat

A rotating co-ordinating member will manage Standing Committee and its operations for a term of two years.

The co-ordinating member is responsible for funding support of the Secretariat to the Standing Committee and Sub-Committees during its term and providing venues for meeting. The co-ordinating member will manage all administrative aspects of the FHH.

A permanent secretariat service will be established when financial support from member parties and other resources become available. The secretariat will have good English capabilities and a good understanding of herbal medicines. The secretariat will be appointed by the Standing Committee and be neutral to all members of Standing Committee.

Focal contact person

One focal contact person from each founding party will coordinate all work related to the FHH in the respective member party and to liaise with Standing Committee secretariat.

Principles of operation

  • The working principles of FHH should be followed.
  • Operation of meeting and decisions will be based on the presence of a quorum of member parties (5/7).
  • The Secretariat of the Standing Committee will do its utmost to canvas views of each member prior to Committee decisions.
  • One member party has one vote, although negotiation and consensus will be the major aim to achieve outcomes. Majority and minority (all conflicting) opinions will be documented.